Identifying Purposes and Uses of your Personal Information

我们收集, 使用和/或披露个人信息的目的与最初向我们提供信息的原因合理相关,并在本esball登录官方中另有规定. 例如, at Vive, we collect, use and disclose personal information about you so we can:

  1. 回复您的询问;
  2. 处理订单、请求和付款;
  3. Keep track of our relationship with our customers;
  4. 就我们合理认为您会感兴趣或有用的esball快速登入或服务与您沟通;
  5. To better understand our customers and to try and improve our customer service experience. 例如, we may use that information for product development research.

您的个人信息将根据其收集目的被使用或披露, as otherwise set forth in this esball登录官方, unless you have otherwise consented or except where required or permitted by law.


The type of personal information we may collect relates to the purposes for the collection. 例如, 如果你给我们询价, 我们可以收集你的名字, 电话号码和/或电子邮件地址(当然,除了您在查询中提供的信息之外). 如果你从我们这里买东西, 我们将获得您的联系信息以及您的信用卡号码(如果您使用信用卡付款)以及处理交易所需的其他合理信息.

Remember that email is not necessarily secure against interception. If your communication is very sensitive, or includes information such as your bank account, 签帐卡, 或者社会保险号, 您不应以电子方式发送,除非它是加密的或我们的网站表明该特定网站是安全的.


Personal information may be collected in a number of ways, 包括:当面, 通过电话, 通过邮件, 在互联网上, and from third parties who you have authorized to disclose personal information to us.

网络cookie是一种非常小的文本文件,它存储在您的计算机上,用于跟踪您在该网站上的浏览信息. 通过使用网络cookie,我们可以监控您看到的广告以及您查看它们的次数. The use of cookies also allows us to capture standard web traffic information, such as the time and date you visited our website, 您的IP地址, and your browser information (for example, “你.com’ if you use a private Internet access account, IP地址(IP地址是在您浏览网页时自动分配给您的计算机的数字),您可以从中访问我们的网站, and the date and time you access our website and the pages you visit.

We may monitor and record telephone calls

For the purpose of maintaining quality service, telephone calls to our customer service lines may be recorded. If your call is subject to a quality assurance program, you will be so advised prior to speaking with a representative.


我们只会根据我们的esball登录官方条款向第三方披露您的个人信息, you have otherwise so consented or if required or permitted by law.

法律要求我们披露的信息类型可能与刑事调查或政府税务报告要求有关. 在某些情况下, such as a legal proceeding or court order, we may also be required to disclose your personal information to authorities. 只有特别要求的信息才会被披露,我们会采取预防措施,以确保提出披露要求的当局有合法的理由这样做.

Your personal information may be disclosed in situations where we are legally permitted to do so, 例如在使用合理和合法的方法来行使您的权利或调查涉嫌非法活动的过程中. 当我们认为出于保护权利的合理需要,我们可能会发布某些个人信息, property and safety of ourselves and others.

您也理解并同意,我们可能会使用您的个人信息,并将您的个人信息披露给与拟议或实际融资有关的第三方, 保险, 出售, 证券化, 转让或以其他方式处置我方全部或部分业务或资产(包括账户),以评估和/或执行拟议交易. 这些目的可能包括, 为例, permitting such parties to determine whether to proceed or continue with the transaction, fulfilling any reporting or audit requirements to such parties, and/or disclosing personal information as part of concluding a 出售 or transfer of assets. 我们的继承人和受让人可以收取, 使用和披露您的个人信息的目的与本政策所述的目的基本相同. In the event the transaction does not go through, 我们将要求, 契约式, 交易的另一方或各方不得出于任何目的以任何方式使用或披露您的个人信息, and to return or destroy such personal information.


We make every reasonable effort to keep your personal information as accurate, 完整和最新的必要. 如有需要,您可以在我们的记录中核实您的个人信息的准确性和完整性.

Despite our best efforts, errors sometimes do occur. Should you identify any incorrect or out-of-date information in your file, we will remedy any such errors on a timely basis. In the event that inaccurate information is mistakenly sent to a third party, we will communicate relevant 改变s to the third party where appropriate.



访问私有, 敏感和机密信息, 包括您的个人信息, is restricted to authorized employees with legitimate business reasons. 例如, 回应客户的询问, employees will need to access your information to verify your identity and to properly assist you. We require all of our employees to abide by Vive’s privacy standards. Our employees understand the importance of keeping your information private. 严禁员工在未经授权的情况下访问或泄露个人信息. 所有员工都应在任何时候对个人信息保密,如果不这样做,将受到包括解雇在内的适当纪律处分.


Except as otherwise permitted or required by law, 您的个人信息将被保留,只要是合理必要的,以实现其收集的目的.


To ensure that your personal information is protected, we utilize security safeguards that are on par with industry standard.


We are happy to provide you with a copy of this 政策 and to discuss any of its content with you. 要求, we will also inform you of: the type of personal information we have collected; how your personal information has been 使用; and any third parties to whom your personal information has been disclosed.

Please direct all questions or enquiries about this 政策 to:
1, 6275 Northam Drive, Mississauga ON L4V 1Y8
电话:416 260 8889 × 221


我们的隐私标准和信息处理实践的任何变化都将及时反映在本政策中. Vive保留权利 to 改变, modify, add, or remove portions of this 政策 在任何时候. Once notification of 改变s to this privacy policy have occurred, the revised policy will take effect 30 days thereafter. Please check this page periodically for any modifications. To determine when this 政策 was last updated, please refer to the modification date at the bottom of this 政策.

Websites Governed by this esball登录官方

我们的网站 governed by the provisions and practices stated in this 政策. Our website may contain links to third party sites that are not governed by this 政策. Although we endeavour to only link to sites that share our commitment to your privacy, 请注意,一旦您离开我们的网站,本政策将不再适用,我们不对第三方网站的隐私做法负责. 因此,我们建议您仔细检查第三方网站的esball登录官方,以了解他们如何收集信息, use and disclose your personal information.


本政策及所有相关事宜仅受安大略省法律和适用的加拿大联邦法律管辖. Vive may perform activities outside of Canada through third parties. 您承认并同意, 结果是, your personal information may be processed, 使用, stored or accessed in other countries and may be subject to the laws of those countries. 例如, 信息可能会在回应政府当局的有效要求或请求时披露, 法院, 或者其他国家的执法部门.